Lydia Wilson Foundation is a non-profit, non-religious, non-political and an international non-governmental organisation working to improve the living conditions of the vulnerable which include Internally displaced Persons (IDPs), orphans, widow(er)s and aged people living in our communities through direct programmes such as education, agriculture, food security, health and micro-finance.

At Lydia Wilson Foundation, our desire is to reach out to a minimum of a 100,000 human beings. We are committed to putting smiles on the faces of the vulnerable and aged people as a means of giving back to the society.

We are driven by our corporate mission and vision of a just society where all can live their best lives and at such the foundation will implement its activities under four core programmes such as health, education, agriculture and economic empowerment (poverty alleviation) in order to inspire, encourage, support and protect the long-term interests of future generations.

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the quality of life, wellbeing and aspirations of vulnerable members of our community regardless of race, religion, gender or nationality; everyone deserves to live a life of dignity.

Our Vision

Our vision is for the vulnerable members of our community to live a life of dignity with access to basic amenities.

The foundation is set out of a passion developed by the President and founder, Lydia Balogun-Wilson, who had passionately over the last two decades supported vulnerable members of our community who desperately need help for survival.

Lydia had over the years committed her personal resources helping the poor and she has positioned herself to continue unabated.

From living and working in the USA, UK and Nigeria, she is truly a citizen of the world and has a keen understanding of how the world could collaboratively eradicate poverty.

Initially, Lydia Wilson Foundation was established to assist impoverished children in Africa and had all initiatives were self funded.

By initiating multiple strings of opportunities for micro-loans to women as well as educational scholarships and localized farming grants. We are currently working on expanding the foundation to reach within the United States and the many children whom are also in need domestically.

At Lydia Wilson Foundation, we are dedicated to the proposition that poverty can be substantially reduced through concerted actions. The organization is committed to the enhancement of the socio-economic well-being of the people in our society.

  • To initiate and provide empowerment programmes for vulnerable and aged people vis-a-vis adult education/ literacy programs in the most remote villages.
  • To initiate and promote programmes aimed at advancing the status, wellbeing, safety and security of vulnerable and aged people.
  • To promote and provide community basic health care services for vulnerable and aged people.
  • To establish and disburse micro-finance for the youths and aged people.
  • To provide and promote quality social services for the youths (school drop-out) and aged people.
  • To advocate for the right of the vulnerable and aged people.
  • To provide emergency relief materials for displaced persons.
  • To raise community awareness about the rights and basic needs of the vulnerable and aged people.

Our purpose is not only to help them, but also to follow up with them in order to ensure that in the society they will find their own place so as to help others. We do not want them to carry on the emotional baggage from the harder days, but rather to have with them the love, care and security we have instilled within them. We hope that our dream, desire and determination will provide these ones and their families a life better than they had ever hoped for. We understand that it is not enough to wish that things will be different, rather it is essential to take action, and to let our voices be heard one step at a time.

We encourage positive actions. Our vision is also to expand worldwide where borders would not limit the initiatives of bringing lasting, progressive changes to the lives of those in need.

At Lydia Wilson, we believe that education is vital to the success of a society.

By helping children and young adults gain a form of education, we will make a huge impact on their future and the future of the next generation. They will be provided with food, clothing, uniforms and tuition fees for school in a caring and safe environment, with a chance to learn life skills and moral values.

We aim to achieve our goals through the following programmes:

  • Providing scholarships and grants for orphans and indigent students
  • Promote youth and women empowerment through vocational training programmes
  • Development of Agro-Allied programmes

Understandably, we cannot help every child and adult alone, so we are determined to create links with other organisations in order to create a greater impact in our efforts.